About Us

Alexander and Jon Noren are a pair of brothers who know something about parenting. Alexander has seven kids  and Jon has four. Their story mirrors that of many modern 21st-century parents, as they grapple with balancing screentime and growth-related activities. We have all heard the common maxims about the pitfalls of screen time. Yet they were tired of the fights over screen time. These are two dads (with wives!) who sometimes need a break!

The Problem

Well, modern problems require modern solutions. Acknowledging reality, they adopted a pragmatic stance. Yes, screens captivate, educate, and occupy children's time. Rather than resist this tide, they choose to harness it for productivity. Let's be real – they're spending time on devices anyway, so why not make it meaningful?  

The Idea

This led to the creation of an innovative app idea- one that allows their children to explore any app/show on their device and then forced educational breaks before returning to the original activity. It would be another tool in their parental control arsenal.

The Solution

After seeing how successful it was in maintaining the peace and sanity of their homes, they wanted to spread the app to other families. Collaborating with an educators, they designed an official curriculum, birthing what we now know as Playtime Power Up. Sometimes embracing reality is the most practical way forward.